Building Information Modeling (BIM)/Virtual Design and Construction


Building Information Modeling (BIM)/Virtual Design and Construction

Yates Construction has implemented the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM)/Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) to enhance traditional 2D construction drawings with 3D computer models. Through the use of BIM construction technology, project teams can use the information contained in the models to perform a variety of complementary tasks, including energy or environmental analysis, visualization, construction simulation, and improving the accuracy of documentation. By virtually building the project before physical construction with the help of Building Information Modeling (BIM), our project teams can create information-rich models that contain valuable information regarding the building’s design, performance, logistics, and constructability. This leads to more efficient schedules, reliable costs, and reduced waste.  The entire team benefits (owners, engineers, architects, specialty contractors, etc.) by addressing risk virtually before work is put in place.  This is one way in which Yates Construction brings value to our clients.

Yates Construction is constantly looking to improve. Learn how we are maximizing value through tools and methodologies specific to Lean construction companies.

View Some Yates Construction Project Examples:

Commercial BIM Projects      |      Industrial BIM Projects